Reaching Home Stretch
We're getting so much closer to finishing the editing. We may be falling slightly behind the editing but I think we're still on track to finish. We have most of the beginning done, however, we have to fix up the end of the opener. I am hoping to be done with editing by Wednesday/ Thursday so I have enough time to edit/ film my CCR. Here are some newer updates/ obstacles we overcame. :)
I am so happy to announce that I overcame my issue! I realized I could just make the title on Power Point. To make the title look real, I took an individual photo of each letter from a mix of different Florida license plates (I took a pic of an "E" on one license plate and edited it on this fake one.) I also edited the colors a bit to look dull. I am super excited with the outcome and can't wait to see how it looks at the end of the film opening. We are going to match cut this title license plate with the car license plate. (Hopefully it goes smoothly.)
When we were filming we did capture some sounds of the road/ ambiance in the background, however, in order to bring these sounds out more we're just going to edit in our own. For the ambiance sound I searched up "
highway sounds" into a copyright free sound browser and found one I thought best fit. We also want to place our own sounds for some actions to be emphasized or sound more realistic. The sound of the trunk closing we thought could be louder to add drama. Instead of looking this up we decided to incorporate a technique we learned in class. We used volley sound making by dropping a textbook on a marble ground. We think this will fit well for the sound.
Your fix for the title is clever!